加州矽谷多族裔外展: 一位華裔移民對多族裔散聚人口外展的經歷

王以愛. 分享我以一位華裔自 2008 年至 2019 年對多族裔散聚人口外展的歷程 · 讓讀者一瞥可以接受如何的裝備,並且是為了神的國度而去參與環球本地化宣教(具有環球漣漪反應的本地宣教) ·分享取自我在學術研究和外展經驗的反思和宣教含意中所獲得的異象和外展方法的內容、原因和方式

Multi-ethnic Outreach in the Silicon Valley: A Chinese Diaspora Reaches Out to Multi-ethnic Diasporas

Juno Wang. The Purpose of This Book: Share my journey as a Chinese diaspora reaching out to multi-ethnic diasporas from 2008 to 2019 Share the what, why, and how of my vision and outreach approach that are derived from reflections and missiological implications of my research and experiences Give readers a glimpse of how theyContinue reading “Multi-ethnic Outreach in the Silicon Valley: A Chinese Diaspora Reaches Out to Multi-ethnic Diasporas”

An Interview With a Partially Trained Multi-ethnic Community Outreach Worker

Juno Wang. This interview is taken from my intercultural education research paper written in April 2018.  The interview was conducted in person with an outreach worker who attended a one-year experimental training program in the Silicon Valley.  The purpose of the interview was to determine her training experiences, identify any barriers or challenges she hadContinue reading “An Interview With a Partially Trained Multi-ethnic Community Outreach Worker”

Exercise Buddies and Indian Bride Outreach

            After completing my GGBTS seminary training, I began to look for opportunities to form a group for my exercise buddies from the gym. The pastor with most seniority of a local Anglo church went to the same gym, and was very supportive of my gym outreach.  I joined his church and began to useContinue reading “Exercise Buddies and Indian Bride Outreach”

Park Outreach

            In September 2014, I noticed a local park near my church that was very busy and diverse.  It was surrounded by apartment complexes, but I did not know anyone in those facilities or that community.  I went home asking the Lord to give me this park for His Kingdom.  I worried about looking suspiciousContinue reading “Park Outreach”

Adapting An Anglo-American Church to a Diverse Community

Juno Wang. Adapting an Anglo-American Church to a Diverse Community: A Case Study of Grace Bible Church in the Silicon Valley. The purpose of this research project is to understand the barriers predominantly Anglo-American churches have in reaching a multi-cultural community.  This was achieved by conducting a case study on Grace Bible Church in theContinue reading “Adapting An Anglo-American Church to a Diverse Community”

Emerging and Young Adults Ministry’s Implications in Cupertino, Santa Clara County

Juno Wang. This paper will focus on how to improve young adult ministry and address the unmet developmental needs in the community.  In order to understand the developmental needs, ministry methods, and expectations between young adults and churches, two interview surveys were conducted.  This paper will use research from books on young adult development, feedbackContinue reading “Emerging and Young Adults Ministry’s Implications in Cupertino, Santa Clara County”

Multi-cultural Leadership: An Interview With Rev. Thomas Wang

Introduction Globalization provides us with opportunities to evangelize and disciple multi-cultural people who live in our community.  We can share salvation openly with people who are from restricted countries.  Church leaders are being challenged to minister to their diverse communities and are shifting their leadership styles from mono-cultural to multi-cultural. A Bi-Cultural Minister—Rev. Thomas WangContinue reading “Multi-cultural Leadership: An Interview With Rev. Thomas Wang”

Women and Youth Muslim Outreach in the USA

Juno Wang. The outreach strategy for this research paper will focus on Muslim women and the second generation in the USA.  We can see the urgent need to reach out to these groups based on the growing Muslim population in the United States and worldwide.  Outreach strategy is developed around women and youth Muslim.  MethodsContinue reading “Women and Youth Muslim Outreach in the USA”

Gospel Dialogues with My Multi-ethnic Gym Friends

With a Shi’ite Muslim Sharon is a Shi’ite Muslim from the Middle East who immigrated to the U.S. with her family when she was a teenager.  One day, God led her to sit right next to me while we were waiting for the cleaning crew to vacuum the hallway.  She was very friendly to me. Continue reading “Gospel Dialogues with My Multi-ethnic Gym Friends”